First and foremost I am not bashing
I was only speaking the truth as I am speaking now in this blog.
It was just a very normal conversation between both of us, on Dec 7th.2015 by
and through twitter time line. He has his opinion and I have mine
regarding the possibilities and the chances for a regular novice retail trader
with $5,000 acct to become a successful trader, or maybe even a millionaire LOL
( I still laugh at this ). We both have own beliefs and we exchanged our
thoughts. From "some reason" he disagreed with my opinion
and he turned to be pretty ugly, publicly insulting me for what I
believe in. It went on and on , mostly I was asking him to show to the public a real brokerage acct statements of $5,000 start up acct that was turned into $1,000,000 or even only $100,000 without any refills along the way. I am not accepting as any proof because I have my suspicions on its validity for which I will write in near future.
Click here to see why i think may be a pure scam created to gain more subscribers for Sykes.
He blocked me from following his twitter feed, and he has all the right to do so. I
sincerely did not expect such behaviour from him , since I always thought of him that
he was a real gentleman. Well, I guess I was wrong.
First, think about it: why would he block me? If I was just total
nuisance, and speaking something that make no sense, and if he was able to provide to the public a true brokerage acct statements showing growth from $5,000 to $1,000,000 without any refills along the way, he would not care. He would respond like a real gentleman does, provide the $5000 turnes into $1,000,000 , go on with his business, ignore my "stupidity" and would not need to insult me in front of the twitter audience. But there is something that is bigger
then that. Something that maybe endangers his fame and his income made from his subscribers and his future subscribers growing from his blind followers. That "something" is revealing the
truth about Timothy Sykes, that probably many victims are ashamed and embarrassed to reveal it. Just like a rape victim would rather not talk publicly about the survived nightmare.
I know of Tim since the first time he appeared publicly and I was
his true fan. I did admire him for his cleverness and brilliancy. He
is extremely smart and intelligent guy. Unfortunately that will not help you to
become millionaire with $5,000 trading acct . On contrary, it helped him to become a millionaire
and he will make more millions of off you : his faithful subscriber. Later in
this blog you will see the true numbers, of YOUR DONATIONS.
I have to admit that at that time, more then
15 years ago I was buying / investing / in pumps and dumps with my $5,000 acct.
Of course I was losing. blowing acct after acct, my own hard earned money
being taken for a ride by the newsletters, the pump and dump scheme artist. .It was Tim who actually opened my eyes about taking the opposite side: to short
those pumps. He did in fact make $1,000,000 with $12,000.00 acct within several
years since he was in college and that is apparently documented as he publicly stated in the media. As he said he field income tax on
actual earned $1,000,000 from trading penny stocks, mostly shorting pump and dumps as I have seen him stating on TV shows. It is in fact,
the ONLY TRUE, verified journey from few thousand dollars into 7 figures
wealth by trading penny stocks, mostly from shorting pump n dumps.
I kept challenged Tim to show me one more guy who has actually
verified gains in the last few years from trading $5,000 into "only" $100,000 , not even one
million without any refills along the way. After a while I was blocked. Click on the images to enlarge.
(How the hell I'm gonna make money now ? LOL)
Anyway , like I said, I know him since he went public in
the media, many years ago, and there is a good reason why he went publicly with
his strategy. He tried to implement his strategy, (lets just call it SHORTING
PUMP N DUMPS) on a higher scale so he apparently opened a hedge fund. The hedge fund hit
the ceiling simply because trading the penny stocks , spatially the PUMP N DUMPS are very limited by volume, and the
hedge fund of bigger size can not produce any significant performance, meaning
percent gain on the capital available to be used. Plus he lost on some stock he went long per recommendation of one of his friend as he explained in the media channels.Trading penny stocks spatially shorting penny stocks is limited because of several reasons:
When the stock gets pumped the buying can be
virtually unlimited . You can buy stock and sell it to the next guy who is
willing to pay more. So it goes on and on till the hype exist and the sky is
the limit.
When you short selling , nowadays there is a limit on how
much stock u can borrow. There isn't unlimited quantity / volume / when you are
short-selling especially when shorting the pump and dumps. Over 15 years ago was
different. You were able to short sale stocks regardless weather the actual
borrows were available. It was not needed to physically locate the
borrowed shares. Today the law has changed and for every shares shorted there
must be an actual shares borrowed . So here is the bottle neck, the
limitation of the quantities you can actually trade shorting the pumps
So being able to prove publicly the growth from $12,000 to
$1,000,000 got Tim the sit in the public arena. He became trusted. He had
something to show for. He really did make it !!! However the strategy
spread around quickly and I am giving the credit to Timothy Sykes for that: for
being the pioneer in trading successfully penny stocks , particularly on shorting pumps as he has been presenting on many of his seminars how he made $1,000,000 from his Bar Mitzvah
$12,000 gift. The strategy went viral. It got supersaturated. Before it got
over-saturated , making quick money was really simple (
speaking in the hindsight ). A stock goes up 100% or even more , you short it ,
next day or two, or even at the same day, stock would deflate and
generate 50% income on your short position. That was almost with 100% certainty back then guaranteed. Hey , I lost mostly on all longs on those pumps. Why was it almost 100% guaranteed? Because almost nobody else was shorting! Most of the regular people did not know about shorting. Even those who heard about
shorting, like myself, thought shorting was illegal. Big hedge funds , the
gigantic proprietary trading firms were not interested in them because
of the micro cap limitation. They have billions of
dollars they have to place .
Tim nailed it big with his few thousand bucks.And he made it.
Until he hit the ceiling. And then started teaching,. Very clever to make the real big bucks , great idea gotta give it to him.
Think about it: as he said on TV shows many times, he was shorting every single day a
pump that was 100% up or even lot more and almost every single day or week he
made 50% return on his small investment. So the word spread around.
Now do the math!!!
Invest $1,000 and make 50% every week.
Re-invest the next week $1,500
Compound the profits, re-invest it again.
In one month you have made $5,000
The second month you will be at $50,000
The third month well over $100,000
And this is how he made $1,000,000 by trading hundreds of pump
n dumps worthless companies, mostly shorting and as he says trading those pumps long when it was working 15 years ago .as he also claims ...Congrats !!!
If he was able to make $1,000,000 in two years from $12,000
start up capital , how much he could have made with $1,000,000 start up capital
in the next two years? What is the proportion?
Don't you think he could have made $1,000,000,000?
Who in a clear mind will give up making a $1 billion and sell
his teaching "how to short sell pumps n dumps" or as he claims "how to buy going long penny stocks to "ONLY"
make $5,000,000 ( Five Million USD) from subscribers?
Yes he has stated that he makes $5,000,000 per year from
teaching how to trade and his profit from trading are actually very small
because he just wants to teach you how it is done,
And he teaches because "HE LOVES IT"
Does he love the "teaching " or the $5,000,000 he
makes from the teaching ? Pretty clever , gotta give it to him.
If the shorting pumps works the ways he makes you believe in
it, or in fact if in general you can make millions trading penny stocks, would HE throw away $1 Billion to make 5 millions ???
YOU throw away $1 billion to make $5 million???
Why not
make $1 Billion from trading then donate to the charities $500,000,000 instead
of some $10,000 or $20,000?. Great way to advertise himself. tax relieved donations, from the Mr. Nice Guy. If one
is a true humanitarian , he doesn't even need to publicly mention his
Tim was
smart enough to figure out how to make $1 mil with $12 k in that time 15 years ago. He was extremely lucky too, don't forget the market bubble around the year of 2000 when everything was skyrocketing up. And now he turns "blind" to give away $1 billion in exchange for your subscriber fees
of $5 millions per year? . Think again!!
You may not be old enough to even know what happened in 2000. He keeps telling you how he made $1,6000 in the year when you were only 7 yrs old maybe. He has been using his lucky "5 min " success from 15 years ago to teach you something that doesn't work today for whatever he charges you to become his challenge student ?
If you
still haven't figured it out what is my point read some more:
shorting pump n dump strategy the strategy that made him famous, which is how I learned about him through the TV shows got so supersaturated. Nowadays , unlike 15 yrs
ago in Syke's era, when pump comes around, there are so many traders that know
about it, so many traders will jump on shorting the pump. It is a dog's world,
who is faster grabbing the shorts and the MOST
15 years
ago TIM was one of the very few ones WITH HIS
$12,000 trading penny stocks particularity shorting the pump.
That's why was 100% guaranteed 50 % return on his investment in few days or few
weeks !!
Now you
have the entire planet shorting, doing the same thing !
stock gets so overcrowded, meaning too many people on the short side.
those people are like you with $5,000 accts. All those people like you, being
now thought:
"Oh don't you worry about it , you can use a STOP LOSS IF
.. I cant stop laughing while writing this
what happens when stop loss gets triggered on overcrowded shorted stock??
Are you
guessing ? Or you want ME to tell you?
And guess what may happen if you are short penny stocks overnight ?
Ok I'm
sure you guessed: When ONE STOP GETS TRIGGERED , gets executed on market
order, much is higher than what you really want to , then the next stop gets
triggered from the other short seller with $5,000 acct like yours and since the
stock is so overcrowded the short squeezes nowadays are of epic proportions ,
which was never the case 15 yrs ago when Tim made his ONE MILLION !!! Yes only
ONE MILLION!!! Or maybe $1,600,000 as he claims that has been documented.
But hey
you saved yourself with your stop loss and you lost just a little bit right?
Not big deal right? Well, it is a big deal because you will get stopped more
and more often shorting the pumps, then you gonna be right with yours $5,000
hard earned money.
guess what: who is on the other side not getting stopped?
The guys
with lots and lots of money.
The guys
who can add and add and add some more to the initial short position. And that
guy is certainly not you with $5,000 acct ... Or 25,000 acct ...Neither
the guy with $100,000 acc... Neither maybe the one with
$500,000 acct...If you think you can make millions with $5,000 acct trading any kind of strategy as Tim notoriously promotes in his advertisements, THINK AGAIN. I haven't seen one true broker acct with such performance in last few years. Wait a minute: I have NEVER seen one. Oh you thinking profitly ? LOL .. Ill get to it some other time.
ONLY THOSE GUYS with big bucks can sustain short squeezes of epic proportions.
Only them will bank on the short 100%
guaranteed. But today, even those guys are already realizing that it
is not really worth to tie so much capital just to make sure they can survive
the squeeze. At the end of the day the percent gain return on their money is
getting to be insignificant. They will be better off just investing their
millions in rental real estate properties, generate passive and sure
This is
what we talked about with Tim on twitter. I was speaking the truth
not bashing. His followers were reading our twits. The truth was being
revealed. And he didn't like it. He kept insulting me over and over in front the entire twitter audience. My feelings are still hurt. Majority of the people believe him that I have no idea about trading. And I cant blame him for not liking it because
the truth hurts The truth that it is almost impossible to make $1,000,0000 trading penny stocks with $5,000 acct. That was all we talked about. More people are aware of
the truth less subscribers he gets. Less subscribers he gets less "charity
donations he makes" . The donations he makes are actually donations from
His self propelling fame will generate more
sheep to give him more money so he can publicly make more chop change
$20,000 donations, ( advertisements ) that will make more bank for his
buck then using other vehicles for advertisement. You are the one who
will stay locked in your room, depressed, with another broken dream , a dream
to make millions with your $5,000 that you HAD. Now you are out of your $5,000
or you will be out very soon. Add the newsletter subscription fee you paid to Tim,
for how many months? Or maybe you want to become his challenge students for $7,000 or what ever is ongoing rate with his genius software?
- Is actually the CHALENGE STUDENT program any different from the 10 times cheaper SILVER PACKAGE ?
- Is the CHALANGE STUDENT package just a glorified SILVER PACKAGE only 10 times more expensive ?
And Tim
is driving his Ferrari , the Lambo , and Tim flies the world in privets
jets, living lavish life stile with his entire family. As he says : "The only way to
travel" the way to travel on your money !
talked about this, and some followers took it as I am bashing Tim.
No, I am not
bashing him: i just speak the truth. And he insulted me for doing so. And yes I
took it personally. And in a way I am thankful for his insults because if it
weren't for them I would not be writing this which ultimately will help many
readers in understanding the cruel reality of the trading , trading the penny stocks, particularly the
danger of shorting pump and dumps with small accounts.
I'm sure
Tim will come across with different strategies , other then shorting pump n
dumps. His marketing is focused to target the small guy , the $5,000 acct
guy, you the student in the dorm, the $15 an hour hard working class, the
people burred in debts trying to find a way out , the single moms trying to
catch up with their mortgage.
He is
super smart, extremely intelligent, and very knowledgeable about marketing his "get rich with little money" campaigns. He will make you believe that you need him, that you
need his paid services, he knows you want to believe in the dream that you
can make $1 mil with $5,000 trading stocks. And you want it. The more you want it the better
are his chances to sell you, to take your money. You want to be sold. You want
that chance! What's $100 for you ? Just spend it and try. But don't worry about
the hundred bucks. Worry about the $5,000 acct you opened with the broker who charges you $7 commissions per side. Worry about the dream that is about
to be broken. Worry about the guy who owes $108,000 to his broker because he
got short squeezed beyond his stop order overnight when KBIO skyrocketed , and many many other unknown heroes who lost everything
! Click on the photo to zoom it in and see the numbers clearly
Click on the images to enlarge view
If you think $5,000 is all you can lose THINK AGAIN and yes click on the photos
You can lose what you don't even have , beyond and above EVERYTHING you have. .
KBIO exapmle of an overnight short squeeze
This is how it looked on the chart. Stop loss will help your
$5,000 acct ? LOL sorry but gotta laugh. By the way , this is only one example of a pump n dump . I do not state this is particularly Syke's student. It is only an example of how shorting penny stocks with inappropriate size can bankrupt you in less then 24 hours.
You admire Tim. You admire his life stile. He is becoming copy
cat of Don Lapre. Are you old enough to remember him? Google him !! Or click here
Tim seems to be a modern version of Don Lapre.
I know the truth hurts, I know how it feels to have a broken
dream. Been there done it all. But face it!!!
Do you want to learn how to trade?
Do you really want to make money trading?
Do you want to pay Tim to teach you how to make $1,000,000 with $5,000 acct?
Do you want pay for a service how to play lottery ?
CONSISTENTLY even $100,000 with $5,000 acct. If anybody did make it, let me
know who that is. For everyone you know who made $100,000 with $5,000 I will
show you hundreds who made the same in casino or by playing lottery. You don't need to pay
anybody to get lucky if you were born lucky.
- Do your own home work . Open at least $30,000 acct to have good commissions and
- to avoid PDT
rule then trade small , super duper small.
Feel it. Experience it on super small
scale, directly on your skin.
Know in advance: you will lose.
So, lose small...
Try to figure out what is actually going on in the "shark
tank" . Put your toes in it. Don't let the sharks eat your entire legs. Feel
the pain on the small scale. Trading is not easy. Face it. Don't fall for Timothy Sykes' "selling the dream". You will more likely get hurt.
There are other ways to become successful trader. But all
you need is: yourself, your desire, your passion, your willingness to
open a bigger acct ($30,000) and to trade small for a very long
time. You must last to be able to learn it. You must outlast all the 95% traders
who lose , you must outlast the traders with the $5,000 accts!
You must last just to stand the chance to just survive the
markets . Forget about making money from trading for some time. Think this
way: you are getting in a shark tank, your goal is to survive at
first, not to eat the sharks. Once you learn how to survive , then
and ONLY THEN you may stand a chance to make some money,
to take some of the food from the sharks.
Let the dream be,
Dream it , and
Dream with your eyes wide open.
AngelDan@DaChopa twitter
AngelDan@traderUSA instagram