Great Savings

Monday, March 2, 2015

Handling More Winners and one Loser

4th day in a row not breaking the rules, and being very calm is how I describe today's trading.

I had a bunch of stocks on watch, but what came in pre-market was the best for today. It happens often that my watch list  is useless and nothing is trade-able ( for me ).
Plus had a tons of spam followers on twitter, which kept me busy figuring how to clean it up  ,
 but it was  all good.

Premarket trading brought it with gap up to a nice daily level ,  volume at open was quite good, thought it may bring more follow through volume, so didn't have to think much to get involved.

BBRY did not do what I expected 

I was quite convinced this will be on "cruise control " for today , though it would be moving up all day  seeing the SPY advancing from the open so I didn't sell the pops and re-buy the dips. Ahh well Im not good at it anyway, so that will be my next stepping up the plate.
Got long only once at 10.95 moved nicely up  on second wave up to 11.13 but got out at 11.03, with only 8 cents gain instead of maybe 20 c. But hey many other times I would catch the bigger move so I don't feel sorry for not taking 20 cents or so.
If this was a loser I wasn't gonna consider it as bad trade.

Opened above major daily high, volume was not too great , but the set up made me take this long. I was very careful and aware this may not go far up , so was ready to exit from the minute I entered.
Took a loss Long from 4.49  went to 4.65 , so had opportunity to take more then 10 cents gain, but again , did not feel like selling pops and re-buying deeps. So I  took a loss,  stopped at 4.45 tried 4.47 but I was too slow.  4 cents loss, while I was over 10 cents in profit.
Failure to be selling pops re-buying deeps is something I see from my writing that keeps repeating.
So it may be something I need to get improved on in near term.

Was quite active pre-market, I put it on one entire monitor, gaped up , I observed it dropping towards
0.80 level after it made lower high, kept watching, was tempting to short it because of lower high, but I do have my daily chart left of the intra-day, so I saw the daily support at 0.80, ( 2 prev days highs ) where it made double bottom. Then focused at time and sales saw the big block prints at 0.81 being absorbed at the bid, then  a tick up, then some nice size at the ask , and the confidence was there to go long with the following thought in my mind:
If after these prints it doesn't go up, and breaks below 0.80 then I MUST RUN as fast as  I can , take the smallest loss. But luckily I was right. As most of the times the  Time N Sales didn't lie again.  

The momentum was strong upwards,  took profit at 0.88 right at the top, then stayed calm and waited for consolidation for the after lunch possible re -entry. However I was busy with  blocking spam from twitter, and missed  the re-entry , but probably missed and few other trades that were gonna be losers. Hard to speak in hindsight , so it is what it is , 4th day in a row without breaking rules.

ONCY  vision for second long entry

ONCY missed second long that was planned

BTW    A/H ONCY is trading strong, will be interesting tomorrow. maybe a nice gap up to  1.25 and short from there. My favorite set up  may be in play on ONCY
Note to myself:
4th day in a row without  braking the rules but may need improvement on taking profits and re-entering again on dips.

Salute !

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